Baba Vikas Samiti: Empowering Communities in Rajasthan
Dedicated to uplifting lives through sustainable development initiatives since 2016
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Our Mission
Children's Welfare
Providing education, healthcare, and support for underprivileged children in Bharatpur and Alwar
Clean Water Access
Implementing sustainable drinking water solutions for rural communities
Food Security
Promoting food processing initiatives to enhance nutrition and livelihoods
Community Health
Improving health and family welfare through targeted programs and education
Our History


December 2, 2016
Baba Vikas Samiti is officially established as a registered society in Rajasthan, with the vision of creating positive change in local communities.


Early 2017
The organization launches its first initiatives focused on children's welfare and clean water access in Bharatpur district.


Expansion of programs to include food processing and health & family welfare projects, reaching more communities in need.


2020 and beyond
Continued growth and impact, with the introduction of Information & Communication Technology programs to bridge the digital divide in rural areas.
Children's Welfare Programs
Education Support
We provide access to quality education for underprivileged children through scholarships, school supplies, and after-school tutoring programs. Our goal is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their economic background.
Health Initiatives
Regular health check-ups, immunization drives, and nutrition programs are organized to promote the physical well-being of children in our target communities. We also conduct workshops on personal hygiene and sanitation practices.
Child Rights Advocacy
Baba Vikas Samiti works tirelessly to raise awareness about child rights and protection. We collaborate with local authorities and communities to prevent child labor, early marriage, and other harmful practices that affect children's welfare.
Clean Water Access


Water Source Development
We identify and develop sustainable water sources such as wells, bore wells, and rainwater harvesting systems to ensure a consistent supply of clean water for rural communities.


Filtration and Purification
Implementation of cutting-edge water filtration and purification technologies to remove contaminants and make water safe for consumption.


Community Management
Training local community members in the maintenance and management of water systems to ensure long-term sustainability of clean water access.


Water Conservation Education
Conducting awareness programs on water conservation techniques and the importance of preserving this precious resource for future generations.
Food Processing Initiatives


Skills Training
Providing hands-on training in food processing techniques, hygiene standards, and quality control to local community members, especially women.


Equipment Support
Supplying necessary equipment and tools for small-scale food processing units, enabling beneficiaries to start their own micro-enterprises.


Market Linkages
Facilitating connections between food processors and local markets, ensuring a steady demand for their products and sustainable income generation.


Innovation Hub
Establishing a center for food processing innovation, where new products and techniques can be developed and tested to meet changing market demands.
Health & Family Welfare
Mobile Health Clinics
Regular visits by mobile health units to remote villages, providing essential medical services and check-ups to underserved communities.
Family Planning
Education and counseling on family planning methods, promoting reproductive health and empowering families to make informed decisions.
Nutrition Programs
Implementing nutrition supplementation programs for pregnant women, new mothers, and young children to combat malnutrition.
Immunization Drives
Organizing regular immunization camps to ensure children and adults receive essential vaccines, protecting community health.
Information & Communication Technology
Digital Literacy Programs
Offering basic and advanced computer training courses to youth and adults, bridging the digital divide and enhancing employability. Our programs cover essential software skills, internet usage, and online safety.
E-Governance Support
Assisting community members in accessing government services online, including document applications, welfare scheme registrations, and information retrieval. This initiative aims to improve transparency and efficiency in public service delivery.
Community Information Kiosks
Setting up ICT-enabled kiosks in villages to provide access to digital resources, e-learning materials, and important information on agriculture, health, and education. These kiosks serve as knowledge hubs for rural communities.
Our Impact in Numbers
Partnering for Progress
Government Collaborations
Working closely with local and state government agencies to align our initiatives with national development goals and leverage public resources effectively.
Corporate Partnerships
Engaging with socially responsible corporations to implement CSR projects and bring innovative solutions to rural development challenges.
NGO Networks
Collaborating with other non-governmental organizations to share best practices, pool resources, and maximize impact in our target communities.
Academic Institutions
Partnering with universities and research centers to conduct studies, evaluate program effectiveness, and develop evidence-based interventions.
Volunteer Opportunities
Skill-Based Volunteering
Share your expertise in areas such as teaching, healthcare, technology, or project management to support our various initiatives and empower local communities.
Field Work
Join our teams on the ground to assist with project implementation, community outreach, and data collection in rural areas of Bharatpur and Alwar.
Event Support
Help organize and manage awareness campaigns, fundraising events, and community gatherings to promote our cause and engage stakeholders.
Digital Volunteering
Contribute remotely by assisting with social media management, content creation, or providing virtual tutoring and mentoring to beneficiaries.
Success Stories
Meena's Journey to Education
Meena, a 12-year-old girl from a remote village in Bharatpur, had to drop out of school to help her family with household chores. Through our education support program, we provided her with a scholarship, school supplies, and after-school tutoring. Today, Meena is back in school, excelling in her studies, and dreams of becoming a teacher to help other children in her community.
Clean Water Transforms Alwar Village
The village of Rajgarh in Alwar district struggled with waterborne diseases due to contaminated water sources. Baba Vikas Samiti installed a community water purification system and trained local youth to maintain it. Within six months, cases of waterborne illnesses decreased by 70%, and children's school attendance improved significantly as they spent less time fetching water and more time studying.
Women Empowerment through Food Processing
A group of ten women from Bharatpur received training in pickle and papad making through our food processing initiative. With equipment support and market linkages provided by Baba Vikas Samiti, they started a small cooperative. Their products are now sold in local markets and nearby cities, providing a steady income for their families and inspiring other women in the community to pursue entrepreneurship.
Donation Options
One-Time Donations
Make a single contribution of any amount to support our ongoing projects. Your donation can be directed to a specific program area or to our general fund for allocation where it's needed most.
Monthly Giving
Become a sustaining donor by setting up a monthly contribution. This provides us with reliable funding to plan long-term initiatives and respond quickly to emerging community needs.
Corporate Sponsorships
Partner with us through corporate donations, matching gift programs, or by sponsoring specific projects. We offer recognition and impact reports to showcase your company's social responsibility.
Transparency and Accountability


Financial Audits
We conduct annual financial audits by independent certified accountants to ensure proper use of funds and compliance with regulatory requirements. These audit reports are made available to all stakeholders.


Impact Assessments
Regular evaluations of our programs are carried out to measure their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. We collaborate with academic institutions to ensure unbiased assessments.


Donor Reporting
Detailed reports on project progress and fund utilization are provided to donors on a quarterly basis. We believe in maintaining open communication with our supporters.


Community Feedback
We have established mechanisms for beneficiaries to provide feedback and voice concerns, ensuring that our programs remain responsive to community needs and preferences.
Our Team
Rajesh Sharma - Executive Director
With over 20 years of experience in rural development, Rajesh leads our organization with passion and expertise. His vision drives our innovative approach to community empowerment.
Priya Gupta - Program Manager
Priya oversees the implementation of our various initiatives, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and impact. Her background in social work is invaluable to our mission.
Dr. Anand Joshi - Health Advisor
A retired government physician, Dr. Joshi brings decades of experience to our health programs. His insights guide our medical initiatives and community health strategies.
Our Reach: Bharatpur and Alwar
Bharatpur District
  • Population: Approximately 2.5 million
  • Key Industries: Agriculture, Tourism
  • Famous for: Keoladeo National Park
  • Our Focus: Water conservation, education support
Alwar District
  • Population: Approximately 3.6 million
  • Key Industries: Mining, Agriculture
  • Famous for: Sariska Tiger Reserve
  • Our Focus: Health initiatives, food processing
Common Challenges
  • Water scarcity in rural areas
  • Limited access to quality healthcare
  • Need for skill development among youth
  • Improving agricultural productivity
Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives


Organic Farming Training
Educating farmers on organic cultivation methods, pest management, and soil health improvement to increase crop yields sustainably.


Water-Efficient Irrigation
Introducing drip irrigation and other water-saving technologies to conserve resources and improve crop production in water-scarce regions.


Crop Diversification
Encouraging farmers to grow a variety of crops to reduce risk, improve soil health, and increase income opportunities throughout the year.


Farm-to-Market Support
Assisting farmers in accessing markets directly, eliminating middlemen, and securing better prices for their produce through cooperative models.
Women Empowerment Programs
Self-Help Groups
Facilitating the formation and management of women's self-help groups for micro-savings and entrepreneurship development.
Vocational Training
Offering skill-building workshops in areas such as tailoring, handicrafts, and computer literacy to enhance employability.
Leadership Development
Conducting leadership training programs to encourage women's participation in local governance and community decision-making.
Health Education
Organizing awareness sessions on women's health issues, reproductive rights, and family planning methods.
Environmental Conservation Efforts
Afforestation Drives
Organizing regular tree planting campaigns to combat desertification and improve local ecosystems in Bharatpur and Alwar.
Waste Management
Implementing community-based waste segregation and recycling programs to reduce pollution and promote cleanliness.
Renewable Energy
Promoting the adoption of solar energy solutions for households and community facilities to reduce reliance on non-renewable sources.
Water Conservation
Reviving traditional water harvesting structures and promoting water-saving practices in agriculture and daily life.
Youth Development Initiatives
Career Counseling
Providing guidance on education and career opportunities to help youth make informed decisions about their future.
Entrepreneurship Training
Offering workshops on business planning, financial management, and marketing to nurture young entrepreneurs in rural areas.
Sports Programs
Organizing sports events and training camps to promote physical fitness, teamwork, and leadership skills among youth.
Digital Skills
Conducting courses on computer literacy, digital marketing, and coding to prepare youth for the modern job market.
Cultural Preservation Projects
Arts and Crafts Revival
Supporting local artisans in preserving traditional Rajasthani arts such as block printing, pottery, and jewelry making. We organize workshops, provide raw materials, and help create market linkages for these products.
Folk Music and Dance
Organizing regular performances and training programs to keep alive the rich tradition of Rajasthani folk music and dance forms. We work with local artists to pass these skills on to the younger generation.
Heritage Conservation
Collaborating with local authorities to restore and maintain historical monuments and sites in Bharatpur and Alwar. We also conduct awareness programs on the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
Disaster Preparedness and Response


Risk Assessment
Conducting regular assessments of potential natural disasters in our target areas, including droughts, floods, and heatwaves, to develop tailored preparedness plans.


Community Training
Organizing workshops on disaster preparedness, first aid, and emergency response procedures to build resilience within local communities.


Early Warning Systems
Implementing low-cost, community-based early warning systems for extreme weather events, leveraging both traditional knowledge and modern technology.


Relief Coordination
Establishing a network of volunteers and resources to provide rapid assistance during emergencies, including food, shelter, and medical aid.
Research and Innovation
Water Conservation Technologies
Our research team is developing low-cost, locally adaptable water conservation technologies. Current projects include an improved design for rainwater harvesting systems and a solar-powered water purification unit tailored for rural Rajasthan's climate and water quality challenges.
Sustainable Agriculture Practices
In collaboration with agricultural universities, we're researching drought-resistant crop varieties and organic pest control methods suitable for the arid regions of Bharatpur and Alwar. Field trials are underway with selected farmer groups to test and refine these innovations.
Rural Healthcare Solutions
Our health research focuses on developing telemedicine solutions for remote villages and creating a mobile app for community health workers. These innovations aim to bridge the healthcare access gap in rural areas by leveraging technology and local resources.
Advocacy and Policy Influence


Data Collection
Gathering comprehensive data on rural development challenges and successes in our target areas to inform policy recommendations.


Stakeholder Consultations
Organizing regular meetings with community members, local leaders, and government officials to discuss development priorities and potential solutions.


Policy Briefs
Developing and disseminating evidence-based policy briefs on key issues affecting rural communities in Rajasthan to influence decision-makers.


Collaborative Advocacy
Partnering with other NGOs and civil society organizations to amplify our voice and push for positive policy changes at the state and national levels.
Capacity Building for Local Institutions
Panchayat Training
Conducting workshops for village council (panchayat) members on effective governance, project management, and fund utilization to strengthen local democratic institutions.
School Management Committees
Supporting and training School Management Committees to improve the quality of education and infrastructure in local schools through community participation.
Farmer Producer Organizations
Assisting in the formation and capacity building of Farmer Producer Organizations to enhance agricultural productivity and market access for small and marginal farmers.
Community-Based Organizations
Mentoring local community-based organizations in organizational development, fundraising, and project implementation to foster sustainable grassroots initiatives.
Future Vision: Baba Vikas Samiti 2030
100% Clean Water Access
Ensuring every household in our target areas has access to clean, safe drinking water through sustainable water management systems.
Zero School Dropouts
Achieving 100% school enrollment and retention rates for children in Bharatpur and Alwar through comprehensive education support programs.
Sustainable Livelihoods
Creating diverse, resilient income sources for rural families through skill development, entrepreneurship, and sustainable agriculture initiatives.
Digital Empowerment
Bridging the digital divide by ensuring all villages have access to high-speed internet and digital literacy programs for all age groups.
Get Involved
Support our initiatives through one-time or recurring donations. Every contribution, big or small, helps us create lasting change in rural Rajasthan.
Lend your skills and time to our projects. We offer various volunteering opportunities, both on-site and virtual, to suit different interests and expertise.
Explore collaboration opportunities for your organization. We welcome partnerships with businesses, institutions, and other NGOs to amplify our impact.
Spread the Word
Help us raise awareness by sharing our work on social media, within your network, or by organizing awareness events in your community.
Contact Us
Baba Vikas Samiti
Bapu Bazar
Nagar, Rajasthan
Contact Information
Social Media
Facebook: /BabaVikasSamiti
Twitter: @BabaVikasSamiti
Instagram: @baba_vikas_samiti
LinkedIn: Baba Vikas Samiti